Delbert and Olive Hickson
History of Hoards Station
At Hoards Station, as it is commonly referred to, livestock of every size and colour are sold by auction The sale was started in 1949 by Ray Williams and sold to Delbert Hickson in 1959. Delbert sold to his children Carl and Marie in 1971, and in 1992 Carl sold his shares to his nephew, David DeNure, who now operates the barn with his mother Marie.
Hoards Station is one of the only sale barns in Eastern Ontario that has 3 rings running simultaneously. The DeNure family, a 3rd-generation family of auctioneers, welcomes you to join them every Tuesday afternoon for some good food, good times and most importantly some great auctioneering!
Note: the postcards below were used as a marketing tool by R. Williams. I’d say he was ahead of his time!
Largest Bull
Largest Livestock to go through Hoards Station. The year was 2004. His weight was 3095 lbs & he sold for .16.5ยข per pound.
Postcard Early days under the ownership of R. Williams
The first indoor ring, which is now the existing pig ring – 1949/50 era in the early days under the ownership of R. Williams.
Postcard Early days under the ownership of R. Williams
The exterior of the building 1949/50 era, in the early days under the ownership of R. Williams.